Merek Tiger - "Benji"

I was overjoyed when the opportunity to buy this (rather infamous) inflatable arose; a friend wanted to sell and I had the means to buy.

For those who do not know the background information regarding this toy, it is one of a collection of several limited-run, custom-designed toys manufactured by Jets and sold by Merek/Draco. As such, prices are high, but the build quality is excellent and the toys have been designed specifically to suit the preferences of inflatable enthusiasts.

Therefore, this toy is very attractively shaped, quite enormous, very smooth and unobtrusive, sturdy and heavy-duty.

I cannot say much more about this toy except that is a wonderful addition to the collection and is quickly becoming a favourite of mine.

I have named my tiger "Benji".

Jetsonic Creations
Obtained from
Purchased from a friend
Single air chamber, extra-large valve, lapped seams, 9ft long
Vinyl type
Thick gauge, soft, smooth white with glossy orange and black ink
own , personal favourites , named , second hand , specially produced , G&G
Air retention
Stability in water
Overall score:
28 Sep 2009 1:19am
Last modified
3 Jan 2014 6:53pm